Our Responsibility at FitVine

Wine has brought people, communities, and cultures together for thousands of years. In that spirit we accept our responsibility to embrace and empower diversity for a truer path to greatness. And we accept this responsibility by being committed to listening to, learning from and strengthening our community.
In addition to the work with the Navy SEAL Foundation, today we expand our donation program to match contributions made by our staff and live-class teachers. As we continue to hold live classes week in and week out, each teacher will have the ability to select one of the organizations below to support. Donations raised during each class will be matched by us.
Those organizations we chose to support are:
ACLU Massachusetts - https://www.aclum.org/
National Black Food and Justice Alliance - https://www.blackfoodjustice.org/
Center of Black Equity - https://centerforblackequity.org/
Black and Brown Founders - https://blackandbrownfounders.com/
D.R.E.A.M. - http://dream-usa.org/
CLASP - https://www.clasp.org/
This by no means is a short-term or exhaustive list but it’s what we can put in action today. We intend to continue to use our platforms to include, inspire, and support the communities that have made us who we are.
Let us be compassionate and grateful for what we have, and continue to bring people together of all races, ethnicities, colors, and genders around the table over a glass of wine.