Fun, Full Bodied Workouts at Home - July Edition

Fun, Full Bodied Workouts at Home - July Edition

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away...there was something called a gym membership. Remember those? As they are seemingly a thing of the past, we’ve been forced to find ways to live our fit at home. Whether it’s yoga, a run with the dog, curling wine bottles or just dancing in your PJs, now-a-days we gotta get creative. 

Thanks to a few of our friends, we’ve now got a few new routines to work into our lives. Thank goodness for Instagram Live. 

Though there is no science to back it up, we’ve heard that our wine tastes better after a workout...So in the spirit of earning a glass, here are a few workouts from some of our FitVine coaches Dannah and Kelly!

First up, Dannah Eve gives us an epic Bodyweight Home Workout.


Warm up

  • Jog in place 
  • 5 Forward Arm Circles
  • 5 Reverse Arm Circles
  • Toe touches
    • 10 sec hold
  • Toe Touches (right leg over left)
    • 10 sec hold
  • Toe Touches (left leg over right)
    • 10 sec hold
  • Calf Stretch
    • 10 sec hold
  • Quad Stretch
    • 10 sec hold
  • Hip Opener
    • 5 forward left/5 backward (left)
    • 5 forward left/5 backward (right) 


*All exercises are 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest. Rounds of 4. Small break in between rounds.

  1. Alternating Lunge Pulses
  2. Walk Out Push-Up
  3. Alternating Commandos
  4. Squat with Calf Raise
  5. Air Sumo Squats
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Standing Calf Raises
  8. V Ab hold

If you’re more in the mood to move to the beat, Kelly has got a Dance HIIT Workout to follow along to!

A cardio dance party mixed with light weights and strength moves to burn calories while having fun and getting stronger!
