Lauren Abraham and Dominique Storelli: 20 Min Full Body Home Workout

Lauren Abraham and Dominique Storelli: 20 Min Full Body Home Workout

Get a real home grown workout with two of the funnest gals! Lauren Abraham is Fitvine wines long time official athlete & teaches fitness classes live weekly on our IG TV. Today she has Maxim hometown hottie Domonique Storelli. (Lots of dogs, kid energy, with a little bit of naughty) Good times with these two.

Check out the circuit:

Warm up

  • Run In Place
  • Butt Kicks
  • Hip Openers
  • Arm Circles
  • Side Lunges with Reach


*Dumbbells or bottles of FitVine used in this workout. 

Circuit #1 

  1. Squat Press
  2. Rear Lunge Lat Raise
  3. Deadlift to Bicep Curl
  4. Bent Over Row with Tricep Extension
  5. Push Up to Shoulder Touch
  6. Burpee with Push Up

Ab Attack

  1. Flat Arm Leg Extension
  2. Lay Flat Leg Raises
  3. Plank

Cool Down

  1. Child’s Pose
  2. Behind the Back Shoulder Pull